Saturday, March 20, 2010

seeking loneliness

the brain tricks us into thinking about a perfect state of exsistance of a state of our being that we should be and the rest of our story is trying to match of up to the shadow. I am sick of it, the whole evolutionary thing is to break our silence to get us talking to get on top of each other, to ram into a crowd and be on top of everybody's head , the list of conformities go on and we are socially conditioned to treat every divergence from this a sin, a transgression to be repented and corrected . I will pardon myself for every "transgression" i do , that what u say as morality is a creation of this illusion that tells u that your weak hand is left and the strong hand right , might is right , i denounce it i reclaim my right of solitude and silence , i rejoice to be totally devoid of any human interaction and here are the ways of how i manage to find :- switching off phones, not knowing the local language of the city , going to unknown places and i dont want to form any bonds.
I dont want to box myself calling it a rebellion or something , i dont need words , i am comfortable in this way and that is the justification enuf